risk free system"
Baccarat System
by Izak Matatya
on the long run with 2 unit sessions only"
Here's a brand new system for you with an extremely low
risk, yet very profitable on the long run: the Stretch
Baccarat System.
The system works for all types of the Baccarat game,
EZ Baccarat, 5% commission based Baccarat, etc.
It has a very particular and interesting bet selection, not used in any
other system before.
It's very low risk, as all you need for a session are 2 units.
In fact, a run is over if those 2 units are exhausted. A profitable run ends
with +1 unit.
The winning runs greatly override the losing ones.
A total of 17,510 runs are played in 1000 shoes, out of which 5,692 were -2
unit runs and 11,818 were +1 unit runs, generating a total of 433 units
It bets flat bets of 1 unit only throughout the entire system and there is
no need for any progression.
Not every decision will be bet on, as it will need certain triggers to start
applying the system.
The triggers are not constant parameters. As the system name implies, they
can be "stretched" into a certain maximum before starting to bet.
The system identifies minimum and maximum stretches automatically when you
follow the specs to an ultimate accuracy.
Parameters are given in the simulation to experiment with those stretch
values. The ones provided by the system have been greatly optimized to
obtain maximum profits.
The system is very unusual. Once you understand
its new concept, you will like it, and you will apply it very efficiently.
It's like no other system you have used before.
Sessions are very short. You will either win
your 1 unit immediately within 1 bet or within maximum 3 trials, you will
The system is 23 pages, as it has lots of examples and
step by step explanation of the new concept.
A full simulation of 1000 Zumma shoes are provided
with 2 parameters for you to experiment with: the stretches and the
loss limit.
Following is its performance chart:

As you can see, it always reaches a new
maximum level, thus profiting on the long run with totally flat bets of 1
unit only.
The overall drawdown is only 3 units and
a lifetime bankroll of 100 units will be quite ample to use the system
The Stretch
Baccarat system goes for $8,330, exactly the profit you will make using
$80 chips for 100 shoes.
satisfaction is fully guaranteed. You can have your money back if the system
is not to your liking within 30 days of your purchase, no questions asked,
no strings attached. And you know I always honor my guarantee.
here to buy the system and a download link will be sent to your email.
Make sure to enter your email during your purchase.
Thank you!
Izak Matatya
matatya.izak@gmail.com (please
do no longer use izak.matatya@videotron.ca)
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