best system to overcome commissions"
BB2 - Banker Baccarat System
Version 2
by Izak Matatya
I'm very frequently asked if a certain system works
also with commissions in Baccarat and I always reply to combine the system
with a strategy and system that can handle commissions.
Here's a new system that handles commissions in
Baccarat with the best possible way. It's called BB2
- Banker Baccarat System Version 2.
This is the best system so far that bets banker only
and overcomes commissions with a special formula that wins on the long run
consistently. And it can be used totally on its own without having to
combine it with another system.
It's version 2 of a previously designed system called
Banker Baccarat, which used a similar concept of
recovering commissions by applying a progression on commissions paid on
Banker wins, but was using the winnings of Player decisions in order to
achieve it and it was somehow confusing for the system user on what to do on
how and how much to bet every time, although it generated profits on the
long run.
This version avoids all confusions, as the recovery of all involved
commissions will be achieved by Banker wins.
And any Player streaks will not affect the system's performance, as only 1
unit will be bet after each Player decision.
We know that Banker decisions are more frequent in Baccarat because of the
third card drawing rules.
The probability that the banker will win is 45.843%, player 44.615%, and tie
9.543%. Ignoring Tie bets, the difference is 1.228% meaning that Banker bets
will win 1.228% more than Player bets.
In fact, if we do a count on Banker versus Player decisions in the Zumma
1000 shoe tester book, we will find that there are:
Bankers: 37,152
Players: 35,959
FBA: 1,193
With a flat bet advantage of 1,193 units.
Does that mean that if we bet 1 unit flat on Banker only, we will win 1,193
units? Of course not, because of the 5% commission.
We would be losing 664.60 units by the end of 1000 shoes, if we did that.
BB2 system finds a way and an accurate formula to overcome those commissions
and generates:
Maximum bet: 19.35
Maximum Drawdown: -16.58
Maximum Profit: 8,662.57
End Profit: 8,660.52
The fractional bets is because of applying the mathematical formula.
If it's cumbersome to calculate say 35% or a different percentage of a
certain unit size, the system suggests to round up those figures and the
results will be:
Maximum bet: 33
Maximum Drawdown: -24.50
Maximum Profit: 14,976.70
End Profit: 14,973.70
Our calculations become much easier, the bets become clearer and we make
6,300 more units over 1000 shoes with a maximum bet of only 33 units versus
And the performance chart is:

A perfectly rising profit graph, showing the accuracy of the formula.
Both simulations for decimal bets and
whole units are provided to you with your purchase.
The initial idea behind the system was that if we have say 4 Bankers versus
3 Players in a certain sequence we will end up with exactly one whole unit
Reversely, if we had 4 Players versus 3 Bankers, we would end up with -1
BB2, however, not only will achieve this concept, but will also gain some
extra units using the special formula and some increments.
That's why the system will prove to be
profitable even on some Player dominant shoes.
Generating almost 15,000 units for 1000
shoes averages 15 units per shoe after commissions. A great
achievement, unheard of other systems trying to beat Baccarat with
The system achieves all this following 4
simple rules and a couple of very simple arithmetic formulae. One will
not need a pen and paper to keep track.
After using the system for awhile, you
will also notice that bet amounts at various stages are all the same,
without using any progression at all.
A run in the system is not when one is
ahead, but when all commissions and losses have been easily recovered.
The system will be profitable as you advance into it and as Banker decisions
start becoming more and more dominant, as on the long run, there are
definitely more Banker decisions than Player. The performance graph
shows it all.
The system document is 20 pages of easy
reading, providing you lots of examples that apply the rules in a very clear
and consistent manner.
There is absolutely no guessing and no decisions the player needs to take on
his/her own.
The system goes for $18,000 and is worth
every penny. It's totally infallible. There are no runs, just
continuous betting and profiting as the skies are the limit.
The good news are that starting now, the
year-end specials are taking effect, an event you have all been waiting for.
When you enter the discount code LTW99OFF
at the checkout panel, you can have a 99% discount on all systems advertised
https://shop.letstalkwinning.com/ including
this new BB2 - Banker Baccarat System Version 2 and get it for $180 only.
This offer is valid until January 7,
Please note that those sales are final
and they cannot be refunded.
here to purchase the
BB2 system. A download link will be sent to your
email, so don't forget to specify it during your purchase.
With the discount code LTW98OFF you can
place as many systems as you like in the same shopping cart and download
links will be emailed to you. And you can use this code in multiple
purchases at various times until January 7, 2025.
Happy holidays to you, starting with
Thanksgiving, then Halloween, then all the year-end season's holidays.
Wishing you all the best.
Izak Matatya
matatya.izak@gmail.com (please
do no longer use izak.matatya@videotron.ca)
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Izak Matatya's new contemporary
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Asked Questions on
BB2 - Banker Baccarat System
Version 2
by Izak Matatya
The Banker Baccarat System Version 2
(BB2) announced last week was received with the greatest enthusiasm and
I have promised to share the reviews, comments,
feedback and frequently asked questions about the system this week and here
we are.
First of all, a few reviews from purchasers:
"Dear Izak,
I purchased your BB2 system, this betting style is what I am looking for."
"It's indeed the best way of recovering commissions
and any other losses on P bets"
"A pat in the back is what you deserve"
"The performance is absolutely stunning and very
"I've been testing the system and so far it looks
"Hello Izak, this system looks incredible!"
And now your questions answered:
Q: Izak, what would be the lifetime bankroll
for BB2? Thanks.
A: 70 units are the maximum required to use the
system with no further drawdowns or any type of abandoned runs. There are
practically no runs in this system.
Q: With non-commission Baccarat, you would have
an occasional B6 which only pays out 50%. Perhaps that could be considered
as a commission to be recovered in the system?
A: Yes, absolutely! The system can adapt to any
type of commission. They will be recovered using the exact principles and
strategies of the system.
Q: Izak: I like what I see, but where I play,
the Bacc tables are now $100 min play. So I must compensate and play the
Craps table instead, at a much lower buy in price. You also know that there
is no commission for DP, which in all accounts is much the same as Banker in
What I need from you is to take this system and apply it to Craps, Pass/DP
to amount to the same success as Baccarat. Can you except that challenge? If
you can, please, I may be a buyer of your system. As I build my bank
capital, I will then have the option to play Baccarat again!
A: You can apply BB2 to any other even bet game. Its concept will
work well. Its principle can easily be applied to all other even games.
Its concept is to accumulate the paid commissions in order to recover them
efficiently. For roulette, for instance, it would mean to gather the
losses on zeros to get them back later when its runs terminate.
Q: Also, I assume that this system doesn't work
for non-commission baccarat as it is specifically designed for commission-bac?
A: It definitely works for non-commission
Baccarat, the way it's designed, as cumulative commissions will simply be
zero and nothing to recover from them and profits will rise even more.
Q: Do randomly simulated shoes also generate
15000 units per 1000 shoes?
A: Yes, the system generates similar profits
for randomly generated decisions.
Q: Hi Izak,
I bought BB2 and I'm very happy with it. It has been doing well in my home
testing against a Roulette simulator and a Craps simulator.
I have another question for you, about using this system against Roulette
and Craps. Is there a more affective bet selection than just picking one
side and sticking with it?
A: Thank you for the feedback,
Picking one side is one way. You can pick both sides and run a differential
betting between the two while applying the system.
Q: Can BB2 be used for $5.00 incremental as the
live table will be asked to bet on Banker.
A: Yes, it can be used for $5 incremental.
Q: What's the performance of the BB2 on Zumma 600 shoes? Even if it
has a big drawdown that is what I like to know. (I noticed that early part
of Zumma 600 shoes were Player dominated)
A: BB2 has been fully tested on Zumma 600 shoes as well. Works great
with an overall drawdown not exceeding 10.15 units, with the same bankroll
requirements. Player dominant shoes also generate profits the way the system
is designed.
BB2 generates 8,325.25 units for Zumma 600 shoes.
Maximum bet: |
33 |
Maximum Drawdown: |
-10.15 |
Maximum Profit: |
8333.70 |
End Profit: |
8325.25 |
Flat Bet Advantage: |
643 |
with the following performance chart:

Same performance as for the 1000 Zumma shoes.
Q: Hi Izak,
A few questions if I may about BB2.
In all you testing and play, what was the worst drawdown experienced (in
units)? Drawdown being defined as the number of units you are down from any
high point in play to include the bet you are currently making.
What percentage of hands are you playing?
A: Since one bets only on Banker and all commissions are recovered,
Banker dominant shoes are all won with positive results.
If a shoe is very dominant in Player decisions, such as more than 16-18 more
Players than Bankers for that shoe, a negative shoe of -15 units can be
If, in any worst situation, one gets four back to back such shoes, one could
expect a maximum drawdown of -60 units from the highest point reached so
Making 10,000 units for 1000 shoes, those 60 units are hardly felt and don't
even show in the steadily profit rising performance graph.
Slightly Player dominant shoes, such as 5-10 more Players still show
positive results for those shoes.
One plays all hands 100% with no tracking and no interruption. Simply bet
Banker all the time and benefit from the commission recovery routines.
A maximum bet of 33 units may be reached at times for the commission
recovery routine. All bets that have reached that amount have been won in
1600 Zumma shoes, meaning all commissions paid for Banker wins have been
totally recovered.
This is the best commission handling Banker betting system you will ever
Q: Izak, what would happen if the max 33 unit
bet does not win?
A: The system does not allow the betting of higher than 33 units. The
random simulation simply stops the commission recovery routine if a bet
should exceed 33 units.
Otherwise, there are a few possibilities:
1) Zumma 1600 shoes won all bets that have reached 33 units. If that bet
would lose, one could go into the next level, which is the betting of 65
units and if that would fail, the next level would be 129 units. I
deliberately simulated a losing bet to see the next levels. They simply did
not occur.
2) One would simply stop the commission recovery run and accept a small
losing session. That still generated over 9,000 units in the random
3) One would interrupt the run before any type of escalation even reaching
the 33 units. Then one would track until one gets the double win before
continuing the run and close it at a later stage. That option also generates
more than 9000 units. This is the strategy used in
IHG (Izak's Holy Grail System).
All the above have been fully tested.
Thank you all for your great interest and valuable
The BB2 system goes for $18,000 and is worth
every penny. It's totally infallible. There are no runs, just
continuous betting and profiting as the skies are the limit.
The good news are that the
year-end specials have already started last week and they will continue
until January 7, 2025.
When you enter the discount code LTW98OFF
at the checkout panel, you can have a 98% discount on all systems advertised
https://shop.letstalkwinning.com/ including
this new BB2 - Banker Baccarat System Version 2 and get it for $180 only.
Please note that those sales are final
and they cannot be refunded.
here to purchase the
BB2 system. A download link will be sent to your
email, so don't forget to specify it during your purchase.
With the discount code LTW99OFF you can
place as many systems as you like in the same shopping cart and download
links will be emailed to you. And you can use this code in multiple
purchases at various times until January 7, 2025.
At such low prices, you can have a huge
arsenal of systems and apply the best one which suits a certain table's
conditions, make 5-10 units and move on to another table and use a different
I have been using this type of
hit-and-run strategy for years with great success.
Happy holidays to you, starting with
Thanksgiving, then Halloween, then all the year-end season's holidays.
Wishing you all the best.
Izak Matatya
matatya.izak@gmail.com (please
do no longer use izak.matatya@videotron.ca)
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Use the BB2 - Banker Baccarat System
Version 2 at
Windows Casino
