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Thursday, October 7, 2004
Pass-12-Pass, a Winning Craps Strategy
Hello everyone,
Going through some of
the posts in my
forum, I came across an interesting post by Christian. He talks
about a winning craps strategy offered for free by
Jim the System Man,
that I would like to share with you. It's called Pass-12-Pass, which
stands for twelve after a Pass, then bet a Pass.
"This is another one
of those playing methods that has no reason to be successful but it seems to
be a winning method, so far. I have played it a few times in real casinos
and also tested it using past records... it just seems to work for no
apparent reason in either logic or mathematics. I'll tell you more in a few
paragraphs, after I describe the playing method.
There is really nothing complicated about it. We wait until we see a Bar-12
which immediately follows a pass. This pass may be either a natural or by
making the point. The Bar-12 will not be on the new shooter’s first roll and
will not be after don't pass, craps or anything other than a pass (however,
it may be after more than one consecutive pass). When we see this Bar-12 we
will make only one flat bet that the next pass line decision will be a
natural or a pass. That's the entire playing method. We use flat bets with
no progression and no other bets besides pass bets on the pass line.
There are no odds bets, no place bets, and absolutely no other bets.
This playing method requires a great deal of waiting and watching with very
little actual betting. The good news is that if we keep getting the very
high percentage of winning bets which we are now getting, we would be able
to use high denomination bets and thereby make a reasonable amount of dollar
winnings although there are not very many bets. In the 300 hour book which
has over 10,000 pass line decisions, this method only makes 132 bets,
however 81 of them win and only 61 lose for a net win of 20 units with 132
bets. This means that I won almost 2/3 of my bets. Actually, I won the first
three bets and was never again behind. Therefore, I could have played this
with only one chip in my bankroll, and the rest of the time I would be using
my winnings.
In the first 50 pages I won 15 and lost 7. Then, in the second 50 pages I
won 17 and lost 10. Using the third 50 pages I won 13 and lost 15 (which is
the only losing session). During the 4th 50 pages I won 18 and lost 9.
And, in the final 29 pages I won 8 and lost 4 units.
I also looked over my own records of my own trips to various casinos.
Unfortunately, much of the time I did not record the exact decisions, and
some of the time when I did record them, I did not record the Bar-12's, but
merely called them "don't pass." So, with the limited results which I do
have, I would have won 12 units over the 5 year or so period for which I
have limited records. With these, I also would have won the first bet and
would never have been behind, so I could have played with one chip of any
denomination in my total starting bankroll. The results are very interesting
to me. I would never have lost a single bet in the several trips that I have
taken to Laughlin, Nevada! Here are my total results at 11 different casinos
in various cities... win win lose lose win win win lose win win win win win
win win win win win lose. This is 15 wins and 4 losses for a net win of 11
units in 11 different casinos. I was in some of the casinos for more than
one session. If I had used $100 bets I would win $100 per session. Even if a
session were to last as much as two hours it would still come to $50 per
The 72 hour book has about 200 more don't pass than pass, and even with that
disadvantage it comes out exactly even using these records. With that many
more don't pass decisions I would expect a substantial loss if things were
only random.
With everything that I have seen, this method could very easily be played
with a 10 unit bankroll (or a $1,000 bankroll using $100 bets). Surely, it
is not a fun strategy because we would rarely be making bets. We cannot
stand at the table with chips all over the place. We cannot ask for comps
because we will make only occasional bets... but the question is: Do we want
to play or do we want to win?
Considering these very positive results I could be very tempted to invest
$200 in a test. There are several ways that it could be done. One way would
be that I could bet $100 the first time and if it wins keep using $100
units. If the first bet loses, then I could drop down to $50 in order to
build it up to $100 and then go to $100 units... if that loses, then use the
two remaining $25 units to try to build it up to the $100 units. If I lose
the first 4 bets, then I am out $200, but it should take about 8 hours of
watching time for it to happen, which would probably be a whole two day
trip. If I start out winning, then I could easily win a few hundred dollars
on the trip.
Another way to play would be to only use $100 in my bankroll. I could merely
use $20 or $25 units and keep playing that way. There are many ways to do
this... I could use a $100 bankroll and start with one $50 bet, then if it
loses use the remaining $50 by making as many as two $25 bets with the
objective of playing until I have about $200 and then going back to $50
bets, and perhaps working my way up to $100 bets if I keep winning. It is
all a matter of the individual bettor's tolerance at the particular time.
It does not take a large risk and could end up being "The Winning Method."
If this method continues to work out as it has so far, it would not be that
hard to go up to $500 or $1000 units.
We could fill in the waiting time by making flat bets on the pass line using
the table minimum bet. If we want it to look as if we are doing something,
we could bet that the decision before the last one will repeat, then change
to the pass line when we are rolling the dice. We also might consider taking
single odds with a pass line bet as a holding strategy while waiting for our
“trigger” of a pass-12-pass. This would require a slightly higher bankroll.
The cost of a $5 pass line bet while waiting would be approximately $2.47
per hour. There are about 35 pass line decisions in an hour. A bet of $5
made 35 times is a total of $175. The house advantage on a pass line bet is
1.41%. Therefore, since 1.41% of $175 is $2.47, this would be the
approximate hourly cost of playing this waiting strategy while waiting for
the trigger in order to make the larger bet. Our profit on the bet after the
trigger would have to be enough to compensate for that loss while waiting.
Since the trigger averages about once every two hours, we must win at least
$5 on each bet. Five dollars is 20% of $25, so if we win 20% on our bets,
the bets must all be over $25 in order to be winning. This is the price that
we must pay for our waiting strategy. We can bet any amount if we merely
watch and do not make any bets while waiting for our trigger of a Bar-12
following a pass line winning decision."
Thanking Jim for his
strategy and Christian for posting it. Jim has an interesting site.
You can visit it by clicking:
As you can see in the above
strategy, that even if you can win 1 unit at the end of your gambling
session, this is much more valuable than losing half or entire your
bankroll, particularly if your betting unit is high.
Saravan from PureWinners continues
to do well in his sports betting consulting service and by providing you
good selections week after week. His big bettors made another
$2,074.91 this week. I was able to follow up and use the picks the
same way. Make sure to take advantage and join by following the link:
Wishing you all the best,
Until next week,
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