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Please tell all your friends about it.
============================================== Thursday,
November 7, 2002 Hello everyone, The KISS system announced last week has proved itself to be a winner. Many customers who acquired it have been testing it and are enthusiastic about the results they obtained. Here are some testimonials taken directly from the discussion forum: "Congratulations
Izak - KISS is a winner. I'm tired of testing. Did 50 shoes from Zumma.
(Shoes #50 to #99)
"Testing takes time guys.. it's going well. The system is
performing as claimed (so far)." "The Kiss method looks pretty good so far." "I'm just flat betting the minimum for now observing the basic rules and its ahead even this way. Looks good for now."
"I have tested the new KISS system and it has performed
as advertised...I have actually played it in the casino a couple of times.
This is all very encouraging. I thank you so much for your feedback. One customer provided a further modification input: "Just read your stuff - very
interesting - actually makes a lot of sense. One suggestion I would make is that once you hit a set point which is close to your target, you may want to "profit lock it" meaning that say once you were at +10 you wouldn't make a bet that would take you below say +4, and exit the shoe. This way you don't have a seemingly good shoe turn into a bad one. Just an observation and suggestion." I find this an excellent suggestion. I have already incorporated it the system documentation. Thank you again for the valuable input. As you can see KISS is doing great. I have also demonstrated it live at the Casino of Hull applying it to Roulette after a gambling seminar I held in Ottawa on November 5. Wishing you lost of success with
the KISS method. Thank you,
Wishing you all the best,
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