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Thursday, March 29, 2001 I
would like to start by congratulating the March winners of the VegasUSA special promotion of $1000
a month provided exclusively for Let's Talk Winning customers: This promotion goes on from month to month. The April winner will get it all. $1000 is guaranteed to be given to 1 Let's Talk Winning customer who will open a real account in VegasUSA, will send his/her account name to me at webmaster@letstalkwinning.com, will wager with real money and will be eligible for the draw. The winner will be announced at the last newsletter of the month on April 26, 2001. In the newsletter of March 17, 2001, the following strategy was published: "We
all know by now that Martingale is a risky method, that you invest a large amount in order
to gain only 1 unit profit, as you keep doubling your bet if you havent hit. However, if we use Martingale cautiously and
if we know that our even money area will hit within 3 or 4 spins, we could use a 4 or 5
step Martingale to achieve our goal. Most
people bet on only one area of their preference, say on either Red or Black. By using Martingale, they hope to hit a Red or a
Black within 5-6 spins. Or some individuals
wait for a streak of Red or Black before they apply Martingale on the opposite colour,
assuming that it is due. We
should all know by now, that this the gamblers fallacy and in Roulette nothing is
due. The result of the next spin does
not depend on the previous one. I have seen
many times, 9-10 Reds or Blacks lining up in a row with no guarantee that the next spin
will be the opposite colour. Thats
where Martingale fails the most. As you keep
betting by doubling up your betting amount, you either exceed the tables limit or
you run out of money before you get your unit profit. If
we observe patterns of Blacks and Reds on the scoreboard, we will see that they either
show up in a choppy way, that is they alternate frequently, either like a zig zag or every
other spin, or they show up in a streaky manner, that is with long sequences of Reds or
Blacks. Observing those results a bit
further, we can also see, that a table switches from being choppy to streaky and vice
versa every now and then. Taking all that
into account, I came to the conclusion that it may be worth using a 5 step Martingale not
on a specific colour but on a specific pattern of behaviour. And this pattern happens to be a repeating colour. In other words, you would be betting on the colour
that just came up. Now,
what are the advantages of following a specific colour?
Well, first of all, if the table behaves with a streaky fashion, you win
every single bet, regardless of if the streak is on Black or Red, since you are betting on
the same colour that just came up. So a
sequence of 10 successive Blacks or Reds will result in 9 wins. If the table is slightly choppy, that is not
exactly a zig zag, then you will win either every other spin, or once every third spin, or
once every fourth spin. This way a 5 step
Martingale of a sequence 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 will yield excellent results. I
was using a $50 unit value. Therefore, my 5
step Martigale became: $50, $100, $200, $400, $800. This
required a bankroll of $1550. Every win
resulted in a $50 profit. To play it safe, I
observed scoreboards of the tables where Red and Black were coming up in a choppy manner,
with an exact zig zag, that is one Red, one Black, one Red, and one Black. Once either Red or Black repeated, that was the
mark of the end of the choppiness and I attacked with my repeat colour strategy. You could win 10 to 20 sessions until Red and
Black starts zig zagging again. Once you have
won your say 10 sessions, you dont wait until the table becomes choppy again. You look for a new opportunity at a different
table. Its good to sit at a place where
you can view multiple scoreboards and go for the one that just has ended the Red and Black
zig zag. "I love your Roulette strategy wherein you bet on the last color to show up. I played for an hour with play money ($50 bets) using Prestige Casino and made about $3,600 in one hour. I bet $800 only twice and both times it was a winner, thank goodness." Now, this stategy works pretty well, but it is not fail proof. If Dale's fifth step of Martingale $800 bet was a loss, then he would have been down by $1,550. And this is bound to happen sooner or later, if you play this strategy on the long run, unless you are there for a hit and run, bet 5 times, cash $250 and go home happily. This has lead me to create the REWARD (Repeat Even Win a Red Double) system, which is an extension of this strategy, but does not use a Martingale progression. It does not have a 5 step trial, where when the run fails, you lose 31 units. In fact, this system has no losing runs! No matter how hard I tried to make it fail, it always recovers and ends the run with a winning session. It sounds hard to believe and I still can't believe it myself, but this is a fact. Why does it work so well? It has a built-in mechanism in such a way that when you lose a bet, you are one step backwards, but when you win a bet, you are three steps ahead towards your goal of winning the session. The session can be as short as one bet, and as long as 25 bets. The nice thing about it is that it always ends at your benefit, accumulating 3 units every time it ends. So, this is not a get rich quickly scheme, but a solid system that gives you 3 unit profit, session after session, as consistently as ever can be. I will give you the opportunity to even test the system before you buy it to be fully convinced. The winning formula of the REWARD system is the following: W = (L + 3) / 3 where W is the number of
winning bets and L is the number of the losing bets. Since
the probabiliy of even money bets is nearly 50-50, the fact that you need to win a lot
less to complete your winning run is what makes the system work. Click here to order. Frequently Asked
Questions on Questions: There is no progression used in the REWARD system, but a specific betting mechanism with simple rules to follow. As there are no losing sessions, believe it or not, the win/loss ratio cannot be determined. The only risk is not to exceed the table's maximum limit when the session lasts too long. However, the system also provides a mechanism to avoid reaching the table's limit. The net profit per session is exactly 3 units. If you play 500 spins, you should average 125 winning sessions. At 3 unit per session, that will make you a profit of 375 units. Click to Order
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