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Thursday, April 18, 2002
Gambling Psychology - Hot List Roulette Results
Learning proper playing strategies and sound money management principles is only part of a
successful casino gambler's game plan. Having a proper playing attitude is just as
The typical attitude of losing gamblers is something like this: They always go to the
casinos to have fun and of course, they always expect to lose. They experience an
emotional high when playing and are invariably swept up in the exciting casino atmosphere.
They always feel obligated to take the free drinks offered by the casino as a way of
getting even for their losses. And, of course, when they lose, they always blame it on
rotten luck, or poor cards, but the consolation for their losing is "well, I had a
good time anyway," attitude.
Now, don't get me wrong, having fun should be your first objective when you gamble. But
that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to win.
Keep this thought in mind next time you go to a casino to have some fun. First, when you
enter a casino, you are entering a place of business. And like all successful businesses,
the casinos are operated by shrewd businessmen whose job is firstly, to keep you playing
and happy and secondly, to separate you from your money as quickly and painlessly as
possible. To meet these objectives, they create an atmosphere in the casino that can be
described as a "Disneyland for adults." No clocks to let you know it's time to
leave this utopia, no windows to let you see out to the real world, free drinks at the
tables, free lounge shows and plenty of pretty girls to keep you happy and playing.
And what happens to the average gambler when he/she enters this casino designed
excitement? For him/her, the rewards of winning all of the casino's money far outweigh the
risks of losing his meager hundred dollar bankroll. And this exciting atmosphere also
makes it so easy for the average player to feel lucky and go for broke at the chance of
winning that jackpot.
First and foremost, in order to be a winner, you must learn to control your emotions in
the casino. The real struggle when you are playing is, in most cases, not between you and
the casino, but between you and yourself. You will find plenty of temptations to keep you
playing and losing, therefore, you must learn to develop a sense of timing or awareness of
when to play and, more importantly, when to quit.
In short, you must develop the proper playing attitudes to overcome the psychological
barriers created by the casinos to keep you losing and to make it difficult for you to
leave the tables with a profit. For example, go to the casinos expecting to win (rather
than lose). Granted, there are no guarantees that you will win, but likewise there is no
guarantee that you have to lose. Always prepare yourself for those inevitable losing
sessions. No matter how skillfully you play, sometimes everything will go wrong. Will you
quit and call it a day or will you be like most gamblers and dig in for more cash, hoping
the tide will turn? And how many gamblers have the attitude that a small profit is better
than no profit or a loss? Not many.
Above all, learn to develop a sense of timing for when to play and when to quit. Playing
blackjack, for example, if you are tired or have been drinking will cost you dearly.
These attitudes are not always natural. Most of them take an amount of work before you can
feel comfortable playing with discipline. But if you develop these proper playing
attitudes and learn proper playing and money management strategies, you will be able to
enjoy the fun and excitement of casino gambling with a minimum risk at your bankroll.
Isn't it worth the effort?
Upon the request of a Let's Talk Winning
customer, I was asked to test the Hot List Roulette system for over one million spins,
rather than 100,000. This would show if the system has a real tendency to win over
the long run. I replied this would take a while, as I would have to run my 10,000
spins simulation for over 100 times and compile the totals.
To date, I have completed this test, that
took two full weeks to accomplish. According to statistics, one would expect the
result to be at -5.26% of all wagers because of the house edge. On the other hand,
since the system is using the law of the third, I thought there might be a chance to be on
the positive side even after that many number of spins.
To my pleasant surprise, at the end of one
millions spins, the number of units accumulated totalled +62,458 with lots of fluctuating
results at the 10,000 level. This averages about one sixteenth of a unit per spin.
Nothing to get rich from, but very promising for a game of negative expectency, and
probably having the most efficient use of the law of the third.
People who have acquired it have been
calling it: "your best system ever for inside numbers".
Read more about Hot List Roulette at:
You can apply the Hot List Roulette system at the most
trusted on-line casino Sands
of the Caribbean, as Sands will let you spin the Roulette wheel without having to
place a bet. This will enable you to get the tracking that you need to apply the
Take advantage of the promotion Sands has for the
month of April: 100% match bonus for a $60 deposit.
Read at:
to find out why it is the most recommended on-line casino.
Wishing you
all the best,
Until next week,
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